Sunday Bloody Sunday is a song by U2 released in 1983. This song is related to the question, "How does war distort human relationships?" because it talks about the civil war in Ireland. It explains the horrors of war, the effects war can have on the people, and the horrible consequences. The war in Ireland distorted many human relationships because many loved people were murdered, effecting the relationships between the people.

The citizens of Libya are protesting and standing up to their dictator, Moammar Gadafi. The citizens were tired of the injustice and cruelty of their leader, and inspired by the revolution in Tunisia, the citizens are protesting for their leader to step down. After 41 years of ruling Gadhafi is finally losing power, and his whole country in against him, but he is not backing down. He is refusing to give up his position, and fighting back. Many people have been killed in the revolution through Gadhfi's orders. He has gone crazy, and is murdering many people. This situation is related to the question because many innocent people are brutally murdered and injured, distorting the human relationship with family and friends during their struggle for free

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