The Tide
At November 16th, 2010, The Apples announced that The Beatles were available on ITunes for the first time. Now people can buy The Beatles music for

I think that it is great that The Beatles are now available on ITunes. Now people can enjoy the awesome songs by The Beatles, and safely and easily download them from ITunes for just $1.29 per song, $12.99 per single album, $19.99 per double album, and 149 for the whole box set. 
CBC Radio 2
A few weeks ago, the hit song 'Money for Nothing,' by Dire Straits was banned from the Canadian Radio because they found it unacceptable and offensive to play in the radio. People found the fact that this song uses the word, f****t, is offensive to gay people.

I don't think they should have banned the music from the radio because they weren't trying to be offensive to gay people and didn't mean to use the word that way.
According to the AAP, up to 75 percent of music videos have sexually suggestive manner, and use of alcohol and drugs. Women are shown in sexual manners, and there are constant use of alcohol and drugs in many music videos. Also, over 50 percent of music videos have violence, and they are mostly committed against women.

I agree that this is starting to be a problem. There are many inappropriate content in music videos and I think people should stop using them or at least decrease the amount.These disturbing contents are putting the wrong images and thoughts into kids' heads. For example, the music videos of the songs Womanizer, and California Gurls have inappropriate content in them.